Top 5 Largest Bamboo Producing States In India

You see, just recently in 2017, an amendment was made to the Indian Forest Act of 1927, and finally, bamboo was categorized as a species of grass, not a tree. And from there on, bamboo cultivation started to grow in the country, and today, it is going on at a good pace. However some Indian states are already ahead in the bamboo cultivation game because of their favorable weather conditions. Today, we are here to take a look at just that because we will be going on a little detour to get to know more about the top 5 most bamboo producing states in India as of 2024. Alright, let’s get going.

Bamboo Producing

1. Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh takes first place in highest bamboo production all over India. Having an area of 18,394 square kilometers with the best-suited climate and soil for the growth of many types of bamboo, mainly Bambusa and Dendrocalamus, this state is the largest producer of bamboo in the country. Indeed, this bamboo continues to be very important for local businesses like paper making, furniture, and crafts that help grow the local economy. Madhya Pradesh also focuses on growing more bamboo in a way that protects the high environmental value and involves locals in the process. All of this will help to maintain the use of bamboo on a sustainable basis and to share benefits with local communities.

2. Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh has a bamboo area of 15,739 square kilometers. Its topography and climate conditions are excellent for many bamboo species. The state has actually seen great results in increasing the bamboo coverage and the number of bamboo plants due to the good state of conservation. People here value bamboo as part of the cultural use in traditional crafts to make building materials. The state makes sure to use bamboo to increase ecotourism by showing off traditional uses and how they protect the bamboo environment. Policies that encourage growing bamboo outside of forest areas have also helped increase its growth and support local economies, without harming the natural forests.

3. Maharashtra

Maharashtra is a leader in bamboo production too, coming in at number three, covering an area of 13,526 square kilometers. Almost the entire amount of bamboo grows within the western ghats and central parts of the state. It is popularly known for its high-valued products made of bamboo, such as activated carbon and flooring materials, which are sold abroad. Efforts to grow more green areas and provide jobs in bamboo farming are also a focus here.

4. Odisha

In Odisha, bamboo covers 11,199 square kilometers and is key for keeping the environment balanced and helping local people earn a living. The state is home to many varieties of bamboo, which fit well with the various state weather conditions. Here, most of the small businesses produce bamboo-based products, like crafts and small home industries. Odisha encourages groups of local people to look after their bamboo resources and is interested in the potential for agroforestry and horticulture for diversification.

5. Assam

Assam’s bamboo forests spread over 10,659 square kilometers. Bamboo, which grows in an area with this kind of wet and rainy weather, has a lot of variation right here in Assam. Bamboo has much importance to Assam for the purpose of making and building paper and creating crafts that are important for money-making activities of this state. Traditional homes made out of bamboo in Assam, locally called ‘Chang Ghars’, indicate prominence in local building styles. Assam uses careful methods of harvesting, where only some bamboo is allowed to be picked to ensure that the bamboo continues growing.


Q1. Which type of bamboo makes the most money in India?

Ans: Beema Bamboo is a very profitable type in India, with a possible yearly earning of 40,000 to 50,000 rupees per acre.

Q2. Is it legal to grow bamboo in India?

Ans: After changes to the Indian Forest Act of 1927, bamboo is no longer classified as a tree. That means now, there are no rules against growing or cutting bamboo, even outside forest areas.

Q3. How do people grow bamboo?

Ans: In most places, bamboo grows from parts of other bamboo plants, but it can also grow from special roots called rhizomes. Sometimes, bamboo is grown from seeds, but this is rare because bamboo plants flower only once in their lifetime, making seeds hard to find.

Q4. What kind of weather does bamboo need?

Ans: Bamboo is a type of tropical grass that likes warm weather and a lot of moisture. However, it can handle some cold temperatures if it doesn’t get too cold. Bamboo grows best in places where temperatures are between 18°C and 38°C.

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