Top 5 Highest Cashew Producing States In India

So far diverse agriculture and spices are concerned, India tops the list. The country has a very important position in the world thanks to its agricultural wonders and cashew production is one of them. These cashew nuts are not only delicious, but are also a very important ingredient that comes from several states. Here we will be focusing on the important states in India with maximum Cashew production. The following list of 5 states will offer you’re a clear view about this product.

Cashew Producing

1. Maharashtra:

  • Quantity: 199,700 tonnes

Maharashtra tops the list as the crowned leader of India in cashew production. Predicted to produce 199,700 tonnes in 2024, the state is on its way to take 25.82% of the total cashew India produces. For such a magnificent number, factors like Maharashtra’s long coastline, providing perfect conditions for cashew trees, have to be thought of. The state’s Konkan region—lateritic soil and perfect rainfall—are ideal for cashew trees growth. Apart from that, existing infrastructure of processing and exporting the cashew nuts also contributes to the glory of Maharashtra in the industry.

2. Andhra Pradesh:

  • Quantity: 127,200 tonnes

Andhra Pradesh will stand firmly in the second most cashew producing state in India. In 2024, the state will be expected to produce an impressive 127,200 tonnes and is positioned at 16.44% of India’s total cashew production. Andhra Pradesh has grown up to the mark due to its favorable climatic conditions, especially the coastal districts of Srikakulam and Vizianagaram. The promotion of cashew cultivation by the state government through the provision of subsidies for planting and processing units plays a vital role in the increase in cashew production.

3. Odisha:

  • Quantity: 121,300 tonnes

Orissa, or Odisha, is another state quickly gaining its place as a cashew production hub. In 2024, the state is expected to produce an estimated 121,300 tonnes, contributing 15.68% of the national cashew basket. The northern coastal belt of the state, with its sandy soil and moderate rainfall, is the perfect habitat for cashew trees. The state government is implementing various schemes to promote the cashew production, drawing in farmers and increasing production. Interestingly, on National Cashew Day in November 2023, Odisha even exported its first consignment of cashew nuts—a feat that’s definitely something.

4. Karnataka:

  • Quantity: 77900 tonnes

Karnataka has a long history of cashew cultivation and continues to contribute significantly to the national crop. According to the 2024 estimates, it will be the second highest cashew producing state With about 77900 tonnes. Karnataka has suitable agro-climatic conditions, especially in the coastal and western ghats, for the cultivation of cashews. The commitment of the farmers to this crop is high, making it one of the largest cashew producers of the nation. The presence of more or less established processing units adds to the domain position of the state in the cashew industry.

5. Tamil Nadu:

  • Quantity: 77,300 tonnes

Tamil Nadu is known for its agricultural prowess, and it is now gradually becoming a force to reckon with in the production of cashews. According to the 2024 estimates, it will be the second highest cashew producing state. With an estimated production of 77,300 tonnes, it accounts for about 9.99% of India’s total cashew output. Coastal areas, especially the southern districts, have a suitable environment for cashew cultivation. Farmers here have taken up cashew farming as it has become a remunerative crop.


The states that stands tall as the highest suppliers of cashew, have several advantages, proper climate, good soil condition, adequate temperature, all that makes the cashew cultivation process easier. These states are the best contributors of the cashews because of these favorable conditions. In standing as the frontrunners of cashew cultivation, these states have shown exemplary capability.


Q1. What is the perfect climate for the cashew tree?

Ans: Cashew trees prefer tropical and sub-tropical climates within temperatures from 20°C to 35°C. However, they are adaptive trees and can survive short periods of drought. Well-drained soil is crucial, as cashew trees are very sensitive to waterlogging.

Q2. When does a cashew tree produce fruit?

Ans: A cashew tree may begin flowering at just three years old, but in general, it takes about 5-7 years of age for it to mature and start producing a marketable yield of cashew nuts.

Q3. What are the most critical issues faced by cashew planters in India?

Ans: One of the most critical is ensuring that the farmers get fair prices. Other challenges, which include sustainable practices, advanced processing, and pests and diseases control, are par for the course.

Q4. What government-run programs work to promote cashew plantation in India?

Ans: State governments are offering subsidies for planting cashew trees and to build processing units. They also fund research and development of cashew cultivation with the aim of increasing the yields and quality.

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