India Maintains Steady FDI Inflow at $70.9 Billion in FY24

India has reported an impressive foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow of $72.9 billion for the fiscal year 2023-24 (FY24), underscoring the nation’s growing appeal as a lucrative destination for international investors. This substantial influx marks a significant milestone in India’s economic landscape, reflecting the country’s resilience and strategic reforms aimed at fostering a favorable investment environment.

Historical Context and Comparative Analysis

India’s FDI inflow has seen a remarkable trajectory over the past decade. For instance, in FY17, the country received $39.9 billion in FDI, which increased to $50.55 billion by FY19 and surged to $64.07 billion in FY20. Despite global economic uncertainties and disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, India managed to attract $71.35 billion in FY22 and $72.9 billion in FY24​​.

Factors Driving FDI Inflow


Economic Stability and Growth Prospects

India’s stable economic environment and robust growth prospects are primary drivers of the increased FDI inflows. The country’s GDP growth has remained resilient, supported by strong domestic consumption and strategic government policies aimed at boosting various sectors.

Regulatory Reforms and Ease of Doing Business

The Indian government has implemented numerous reforms to enhance the ease of doing business. These include simplifying regulations, improving infrastructure, and offering various incentives to attract foreign investment. The introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the Make in India initiative have also played pivotal roles in making India an attractive destination for FDI.

Sector-Specific Policies

India has liberalized FDI norms in several key sectors. For instance, 100% FDI is allowed in sectors such as agriculture, mining, telecommunications, and pharmaceuticals through the automatic route, meaning investors do not require prior government approval. This has significantly boosted investor confidence and facilitated smoother investment processes​​.

Major Source Countries and Key Sectors

Leading Source Countries

The largest contributors to India’s FDI inflows have been Mauritius, Singapore, the USA, and the Netherlands. These countries have consistently invested in various sectors, attracted by India’s market potential and favorable investment climate. From April 2000 to December 2023, Mauritius accounted for 25.64% of the total FDI inflows, followed by Singapore at 23.35%​.

Key Sectors Attracting FDI

Significant FDI inflows have been directed towards sectors such as manufacturing, computer services, financial services, retail and wholesale trade, and energy. The manufacturing sector, in particular, has seen substantial investment due to the government’s push for industrialization and the development of industrial corridors​.

Impact on Indian Economy

Job Creation and Skill Development

The influx of foreign investment has had a positive impact on job creation and skill development in India. Many multinational companies have established operations in India, providing employment opportunities and contributing to the upskilling of the local workforce.

Infrastructure Development

FDI has also played a crucial role in infrastructure development across the country. Investments in sectors such as telecommunications, transportation, and energy have led to significant improvements in infrastructure, which in turn supports economic growth and enhances the quality of life for citizens.

Technological Advancements and Innovation

Foreign investments bring not only capital but also advanced technologies and innovative practices. This has been particularly evident in sectors like information technology, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing, where foreign companies have introduced cutting-edge technologies and global best practices, fostering innovation and competitiveness in the Indian market.

Future Outlook

India aims to sustain and further increase its FDI inflows, targeting at least $100 billion annually in the coming years. To achieve this, the government is expected to continue implementing reforms, enhancing ease of doing business, and creating a more investor-friendly environment. The focus will also be on expanding investment opportunities in emerging sectors such as renewable energy, electric vehicles, and advanced manufacturing​​.

In conclusion, India’s robust FDI inflow of $72.9 billion in FY24 highlights the country’s growing attractiveness as an investment destination. With continued reforms and a strategic focus on key sectors, India is well-positioned to achieve its ambitious FDI targets and drive sustained economic growth.

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